TLC provides licensed services in the Northeastern Minnesota community.
Service Menu:
TLC presently offers the following services. Select broad categories below to get additional information:
Individualized Home Supports (IHS)
24-hour Emergency Assistance
Employment Services (EES, EDS, ESS)
Vocational Rehabilitation
Individualized Home Supports with Family
Semi-Independent Living Skills (SILS)
Supported Transition
Areas of Service (select one):
Individualized Home Supports with Training (IHS)
Individualized Home Supports with Training (IHS) services develop, maintain, and improve the community living skills of a person. Individuals partaking in IHS work 1:1 with a TLC staff person to develop and improve upon skills in such areas as: Communication, Community living and mobility, Interpersonal skills, Reduction/elimination of maladaptive behavior, Self-care, Sensory/motor development involved in acquiring functional skills.
Individualized Home Supports with Family (IHS)
Individualized Home Supports with Family (IHS) helps families with minors develop, maintain, and improve community living skills. It is available through the Developmental Disabilities (DD) waiver. Training services are provided in the person's home and in the community, with the goal to maintain or increase the person's physical, mental, emotional, and social functioning. Training is available to the family, including extended family, of the person with a developmental disability.
Semi-Independent Living Skills (SILS)
Semi-Independent Living Services (SILS) include training and assistance in independent living skills for adults with developmental disabilities, or related conditions. The goal of SILS is to support people in ways that will enable them to achieve personally desired outcomes and lead self-directed lives in the community. Services provided may include training and assistance in: First aid and obtaining assistance in an emergency, Learning and exercising rights and responsibilities of community living, Meal planning and preparation, Obtaining and maintaining a home, Personal appearance and hygiene, Self-administration of medication, Shopping; Social, recreation and transportation skills, including appropriate social behavior; Using the phone and other utilities; Managing money; Engaging in activities that make it possible for adults with developmental disabilities or related conditions to live in the community
24-hour Emergency Assistance
24-hour emergency assistance: On-call counseling and problem solving and/or immediate response for assistance at a person's home due to a health or personal emergency.
Supported Transition
Supported Transition
Geared for clients transitioning from a group home setting to an Independent Living Setting, TLC develops a customized person-centered program with the client and their support network to offer the greatest potential for success. This upward transition into an integrated more independent setting, while almost universally positive, can nonetheless be tumultuous. TLC's team is often employed to provide a collection of services to help the client navigate this time, including: assistance with finding and transitioning into an independent living setting, 24x7 emergency services to address the associated anxiety and unanticipated situations, oversight and accountability with medications and appointment management.
Employment Services/Voc Rehab
For Community Clients
The goal of Employment Services (ES) is to assist each client in obtaining and retaining competitive employment while becoming as independent as possible within their vocational role. We at TLC believe in a person-centered approach to employment based supports based on individual choice, individual interest, individual skills, and individual strengths. We believe each person served has the ability to find meaningful work, regardless of disability. Employment Development Services (EDS) assists clients in obtaining competitive employment by locating jobs in the community, developing ongoing relationships with local employers, and providing client-specific employment support for each client. We offer one-on-one work support for every client while advocating for and linking them to community supports throughout the employment process. At TLC we meet the clients where they are and provide an array of Employment Support Services (ESS). These services may include:
• Individualized Employment focused Assessment
• Individual and Small Group Counseling
• Job Application, Resume, and Cover Letter Development
• Interview Practice
• Employment Marketplace Research
• Individualized Training on utilizing Community Resources
• Assistance with new hire paperwork and discussing terms and conditions of employment.
• Specific on-the-job training (1) position-specific skills; (2) how to use break and lunch areas; (3) transportation resources.
• Design and implement ongoing follow-up support and/or job coach fading
• Long-term Ongoing Support to retain gainful employment.
For Employers
TLC works closely with employers to provide necessary support and training of employees at no cost to the employer. TLC works diligently to ensure employer needs are being met through a variety of services. These services include:
• Applicant screenings to ensure proper referrals according to your specific hiring needs.
• Onsite support for employees as needed.
• Continuous communication regarding employee and employer satisfaction.
Find out how you can meet your hiring needs by contacting TLC of Duluth today!